Introductory Questions

  1. Hello, my name is Jalal-Abdul Yahaya. I am junior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Human-Computer Interaction.

  2. My initial interest when first choosing a major was graphic design. However, my background heavily leaned towards tech. I am taking this class to further my interest in web development and to fulfill my elective requirement in the HCI program.

  3. Yes, I do have experience HTML/CSS/JS through CSE 204A as well as personal projects. For my personal project, I madea a Python-Flask based web application which was a movie/TV show rating site. I enjoyed my experience in CSE 204 although I found it tedious and I gained a lot of JS skill.

  4. I hope to learn more about design principles and how to use styling effectively for users.

  5. I believe that color is a major difference between screen and paper because too much of it on a screen will also be overwhelming. However, on paper, it is more visually appealing. I also think that typography is a major difference between screen and paper because on paper, you can see the texture of the paper.

  6. A cool and simple website that has effective design is SquareSpace. I believe it is effective because it has a consistent aesthetic. The consistency of the elements from the pastel/light colors to the font are visually appealing to me.

  7. I believe Airbnb has very effective communication because it is very straightforward and presents the most important information about any given property first. If you do want more info, you simply have to click the property and the reponsive design is not overdone.

  8. Although the design is certainly not the best, I believe Amazon because the home page is super effective in communication and "getting to the point". The navbar consists of your cart and all categories of items one may want as well as the links to other Amazon properties like Prime. The home page displays relevant in-season items as well as any sales.